I was reading the Army Survival Manual FM 21-76 today, and came upon several interesting machete-related excerpts.
"Knives" are mentioned more often than "machetes", but if we look at what the field manual says about knives, one of the three outlined uses are best accomplished with a long knife or machete, as it is difficult to slash and chop with a pocket knife.
"A knife has three basic functions. It can puncture, slash or chop, and cut"
"If you are the victim of an aircraft crash, the most important items to take with you from the crash site are a machete, a compass, a first aid kit, and a parachute or other material for use as mosquito netting and shelter."
"Chop Fishing
At night, in an area with a good fish density, you can use a light to attract fish. Then, armed with a machete or similar weapon, you can gather fish using the back side of the blade to strike them. Do not use the sharp side as you will cut them in two pieces and end up losing some of the fish."