There is nothing more important for cutting down on the time it takes to clear brush and tall grasses than the "gancho" or hook.
Typically, the hook is made in the field out of a bifurcating branch as the image above shows. By using the hook in the opposite hand as that which wield the machete, considerable time and effort can be saved. Just a few advantages:
1) Keeps hands further from where the machete will be cutting to avoid accidents.
2) Pulls vegetation taught so that it can be cut more easily.
3) Prevents animal and snake bites by eliminating the need to grasp with the hands.
4) Pulls vegetation aside to expose the stalks and trunks of plants for easy cutting.
5) Prevents cut vegetation from interfering with areas still to be cut.
6) Protects from thorns and briars.
7) Can be used to pull obstacles such as fallen limbs out of the way to allow unrestricted cutting.
Check out this video showing Don Fernando Caamano, a veteran machete-man, taking care of some brush with a 24 inch Hansa lampon machete.
Caamano was doing work with those bushes. That machete is great.